Solicitor Law Streatham Brixton


The immigration lawyers at Hattin Solicitors offer bespoke legal advice on a range of issues.

We can guide you through the immigration application process.

We are dedicated to providing high quality immigration services to a wide range of clients for any immigration matter.

Our expert immigration solicitors may assist you in:

  • Asylum in the UK
  • Indefinite Leave to remain
  • British Citizenship
  • Entry Clearance
  • EU and EEA issues
  • Family and dependant related visa applications
  • Immigration Appeals
  • Judicial Review
  • UK Ancestry
  • Entry Clearance
  • Long Residence
  • Sole Representatives
  • Spouse Visa

We also offer legal expertise on the 5 tier visa system. The United Kingdom's points-based 5 tier visa system is the main immigration route for migrants from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to come to the UK to work, study, invest or train. Applicants using the tier system must score above a minimum threshold in order for the application to be successful.

The five tier visa system

Tier 1: This visa category is for 'high-value migrants' from outside the EEA and covers entry of entrepreneurs, investors, and those very few people who come under the 'exceptional talent' visa.

Tier 2: You can apply for a Tier 2 visa if you’ve been offered a skilled job in the UK and you are from outside the EEA.

Tier 3: This visa is currently suspended. It was originally used for low skilled workers during temporary labour shortages.

Tier 4: This is a student visa which you may apply for if you wish to study in the UK and you are at least 16 years of age. The applicant must have been offered a place on a course, must understand and read English and also have enough money to support themselves whilst in the UK.

Tier 5: You can apply for a Tier 5 Visa if you wish to come to the UK for a short time for work experience, training or research through an approved government authroised exchange scheme and you have a sponsor. This category consists of workers such as those in the creative and sporting industry, charity, religious workers and the youth mobility scheme.

For further legal advice in immigration matters, kindly contact us and book your free initial consultation.

Fees (no VAT)

Our fees are as follows:

Tier 1 (From outside the UK): £1900-2500

Tier 1 (From inside the UK): £1800-2400

PBS Dependant: £500

Tier 4 - Student (From outside the UK): £950

Tier 4 - Student - FLR (From inside the UK): £850

Sponsor Application - Tier 2 (From inside the UK): £850 - £1500

UK Ancestry (From inside the UK): £750

UK Ancestry (From outside the UK): £850

Visitor: £550

Spouse / Civil Partner/ Unmarried Partner: £900

EEA Family Permit (From outside the UK): £600

Adult Dependant Relative: £900

Parent (From inside the UK): £900

EEA Registration: £550 

EEA Residence Card: £550 

Naturalisation: £1000 

Registration as a British Citizen (From inside the UK): £1000

Appeal to the First tier tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber): £1450

Appeal to the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber): £1350